My dear little friend Celina,
today I am writing my diary for you. To see the tears in your eyes while saying goodbye made me cry and writing these lines I get emotional again. I really thank you from my heart for your innocent love. We had a great time this week with all of you. I know you will miss me and I will also miss you. You made us promise that we would come back. You asked us when and we will come whenever you say. But I also want you to promise that you will come to India this October. I was in your home and now I would like to welcome you in my home. I believe your parents will bring you there. I have left a little gift for you and hope you will like it. It was very nice in Hamburg yesterday evening; that was a great idea of you.
Sending you lots of love,
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That is so sweet! I am happy to see such simple and sweet love. I hope you get to visit very often.
Very adorable.
Bet she’ll remember you her whole life, even when she’s older.