You are currently viewing I love Sex, Money, Material as well as my Wife and I don’t feel guilty about it! – 19 Nov 15

I love Sex, Money, Material as well as my Wife and I don’t feel guilty about it! – 19 Nov 15

Some time ago we had a guest at the Ashram who had some very fixed world views. Yesterday I told you that there are people who always want to make you feel bad about whatever you say or do. This man was one of them – and I just would like to give you one example of such behavior.

This man had communist ideas, called himself an atheist and was always interested in a conversation – which often turned out to be an attempt to put others down. In this way, when we were once walking in the Ashram and having a talk when he asked me about my clothes. It is definitely not the first time that I got asked about them. In fact, it happens all the time. This time however, there was a certain tone of accusation along with it: if I call myself an atheist, why do I wear such clothes which give another impression?

I have already explained in my blog that with my clothes, I am not making a statement. I just love my clothes the way they are and I don’t feel like wearing anything else.

The answer to this was another attack: what? You love your clothes? This means you love material?

Oh yes, I do! I do love material and I like making money. I love my work and my wife and child as well! I am not fixed to any kind of religious dogma or to any sort of philosophy that tells me what I should love and what I should not! I won’t let any other person’s idea dictate my feelings!

There are a lot of people who believe detachment from material is the right way. There are also a lot of people who believe in celibacy and detachment in emotional way as well. In India, those are mostly religious sadhus. In the west, these are people in the esoteric scene. They may be unreligious but they still have a certain ideology as well as an idea what you should strive for.

All these people believe that we should not love our clothes, we should not love money and we should not get attached to the people around you. They can believe what they want but I want to enjoy my life! I believe it is wrong not to and that’s how I love my clothes and also my work. I enjoy making money in the same way that I enjoy helping poor children! I love my daughter and my wife, I love sex and I love comfort. I love making holidays, as I am doing right now in Germany, with lots of time for friends and family!

I love enjoying life. I love life and I believe we all should enjoy it as much as possible. If you think differently, please do – but don’t try to make me feel bad about my own ideas. You won’t succeed and will only waste my and your time. I won’t try to convince you. I can only suggest: try enjoying and loving life like I do just for once. It is well worth it!

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