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What to do when you realize YOU are a full of Negativity? – 20 Nov 13

I yesterday wrote about the fact that many negative people enjoy being victims. The day before I explained how their negativity is spread easily onto others. Today I would like to write some lines exactly for these negative people – because there are a lot of people who are extremely beautiful people on the inside but who have the habit of making their own lives miserable by seeing everything in a negative light.

Okay, let’s assume you are one of these people and you have just noticed that you are too negative. Without this one realization you would have just gone on doing whatever you were doing but now you noticed it. And there are a whole lot of consequences in your thoughts and your feelings. If you can gather the willpower to make a change, this is your chance to really turn around, get out of your negativity and become a fully different person, full of positivity!

Before you reach this point however, there are definitely some not so beautiful things going on within you! First of all, when realization hits you, you think of all the situations in which you were actually much more negative that you would have needed to. You think of conversations when the other person suddenly got upset and turned away from you or when your conversation partner seemed to start talking with enthusiasm and after your reply was all miserable due to what you said. You may have noticed in that time, too, that your words had that effect but you thought it a necessary thing to say. Now you realize that it was unnecessarily negative! How many times have you shattered the plans of a friend? How many times have you sunk too far into pitying yourself so that people were even annoyed by you?

You regret. You regret a lot. A million scenes come to your mind and you feel worse than ever. You never felt that bad in your usual negative mood because you actually enjoyed being the victim! Now however you are able to take a stand a bit further away and see the effect as well. Take it all in, observe it and save it in your memory – but then get over it as well! Today is a new start and you just need to be strong with your decision to be more positive!

Start right now by thinking positively about the rest of the day and the plans for the next days. Think positively about the people whom you have met and will meet. Follow your normal routine, don’t change your actions – change your view! Change your thoughts! Change your words!

It will take some time because it is a very stubborn habit but you can change habits like that by working against them! Remember to always think positive before saying something, maybe slow your reactions down a bit to gain time not to blurt out all your doubts but instead appreciate any positive possibilities of what was said or presented to you!

Most of all, don’t give up. You will have some further instances of negativity but you can straight away apologize once you notice. Keep at it – and not only you will notice the change, your friends will notice, too! People react differently on positivity. They react positively. A whole new world opens up to you! Enjoy it!

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