You are currently viewing When nothing ever can be right, Satisfaction has to come from inside – 2 Nov 15

When nothing ever can be right, Satisfaction has to come from inside – 2 Nov 15

Yesterday I started writing a little bit about a positive or negative attitude and how it can – or cannot – influence your life. Have you ever had this kind of person in your life who is so utterly negative that he or she just seems to never be able to be satisfied? Well, I have several times and I tell you that you can do whatever you want to help this person but not ever satisfy him or her – because that has to come from inside!

As such people are, by nature, looking for something else in their lives that may give them satisfaction, I have had several of them in individual counselling sessions and we also had some as visitors at our Ashram from time to time. Anybody who is running a business that includes service knows that these are among the most difficult customers!

Now this absolutely doesn’t mean that these people cannot be lovely beings, that they are mean or that they actually hold a grudge against you or think you are not a good person! There could be those people as well, of course, but mostly I have seen that this is not really the case! They cannot help it, they are just like this inside, are used to complaining, finding negative in everything and never getting the feeling of satisfaction and happiness!

Once we had an Australian woman for example who was always looking for something negative in her daily life here. We already noticed that upon her arrival. I was the first one to greet her, simply because I was outside the moment her car arrived at the Ashram. While most people are happy to arrive after a long journey and looking forward to what they will discover, she didn’t seem to be one of them from the first moment on – I saw that on her face in that very moment!

Now I can tell you that we did everything we could to make her happy – but didn’t succeed. From arranging hygiene products from the market when she couldn’t find the shop to completely changing her retreat program, we tried everything.

I am not going to go into the details of the issues she had but you can imagine – they were not important, never had bothered another guest and were many times simply different from her home country and due to this not right for her.

The interesting point is however that it was not India that was the problem for her and similarly for other such people! It is this nature or characteristic of not wanting to be happy. There is nothing on the outside which can fix this. You can go to the most beautiful of all places, if you want to see bad there, you will! You can bring the best food, clothes, accessories or company – it will never be good.

If you find yourself in this description, please know that you are the one who can change yourself and make yourself happy! I can only imagine how unhappy you must sometimes feel because it is just never right. You are a beautiful person, the people and happenings around you are not all bad either. See that and realize that you can change from inside! It may be a long and sometimes difficult way but you can make it!

I am happy in my life and I love seeing things in a positive light. Please join me at this attitude. In the next days, I will tell you what you can do if you are around such people – and what we do to avoid situations like these.

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