How you can finally get rid of your Negativity – 19 Sep 16
Swami Balendu tells how people who have the urge to control and get annoyed by their own negativity can become more positive and leave their problems behind.
Negative thinking and negative emotions are normal if they appear from time to time. They are harmful however if they become a constant state of living.
If you think negative, you attract negative events. You have to be positive for positivity to happen in your life.
Balendu also talks about people who like to bring the mood of others down just because they enjoy being negative and with negative people. If you however stay and remain positive, they will turn away from you and you will surround yourself with positive people.
Swami Balendu tells how people who have the urge to control and get annoyed by their own negativity can become more positive and leave their problems behind.
Swami Balendu describes how control freaks who want to change their habits soon discover another one: they have an extreme tendency towards negativity!
Swami Balendu describes how to handle the situation when you need to be around a person and that person is terribly negative.
Swami Balendu suggests his readers to stay away from those people who are negative at all times. Try to avoid getting them close whenever you can!
Swami Balendu describes people who never seem to be happy or satisfied. Read why the change can only come from inside!
Swami Balendu explains how we are influenced by our surrounding and our surrounding by us, which we may perceive as a mirror of our behavior and attitude.
Swami Balendu describes how you can get out of a situation that seems like it is the worst time of your life to you.
Swami Balendu tells of a comment he got as feedback to his blog entries. Read what is says – and his response!
Swami Balendu tells why he doesn't think it helps you to be positive if you write down negative things in the evening.
Swami Balendu tells his readers how they can remain positive while there are so many negative people around them.