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A Variety of Experiences in New Zealand – 15 Apr 12

With my lectures and individual sessions at my first station in New Zealand in 2003, I got to know a lot of people from nearby towns and villages, too. There were some yoga teachers among them who invited me to their yoga studios to give lectures and healing sessions in their towns, too. So it was good that I had not fixed further program and had kept some time open for staying and travelling in the area. I had had this kind of experiences in India my whole life long. I had travelled much and often without fixing the time when I would come back and so I trusted that there would be enough program to fill my time in New Zealand, too.

I cannot tell you to how many places I have been in the days and weeks that followed. There were so many different people so that I sometimes changed the place every day. Someone came to a program, said they would love to have me at their place, too, and I said okay, let’s go! They took me along right away or one of the next days. I was just free and open to accept whatever would come.

I made lots of experiences in that time with a lot of people. Once a woman picked me up and took me to her town. It was a drive of two hours. Having arrived there, we parked the car, got out and I was astonished when I saw her simply walking into the house – without a key, she just opened the door. So she had been out of her house for more than four hours to pick me up and she had not locked her door! I was amazed that in this country there was obviously so little crime and so many honest people that it was not necessary to lock your door. She was not afraid of anybody robbing her house and stealing her things!

I remember that I also gave a lecture to the theosophical society of a town. I think it was the man who had invited me to that lecture with whom I had a funny misunderstanding. I stayed with him maybe for a few days and at the first meal together I asked him whether he was vegetarian. He answered ‘No, I like my meat!’. I was very surprised and actually a bit shocked at first thinking ‘What? This man eats his own body?’ When I realized what he actually meant, that he simply liked meat, I had to laugh. My English, although it was getting better every day, made me think he ate himself!

What I do remember very exactly from all my travel in the country during those weeks is that wherever I went, to any town, village or city of which I don’t even remember the names now, there was wonderful and amazing nature. I was fascinated by the amazing landscape and the creation of this world. I can say for sure that New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places of this world.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hanna

    It is so interesting and funny that you misunderstood this man. I think the way people speak, even in the same language (in this case english) is a part of our own culture and heritage. It tells people about us and who we are. It is very interesting!

  2. Olivia

    Wow! New Zealand sure is a beautiful place and your’e so lucky to have been able to experience it! Scenes of majestic beauty like those of New Zealand really make us realise our own significance and can bring great peace into our lives.

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