You are currently viewing Smoking banned in the Ashram but Smokers neither banned nor condemned! – 26 Apr 15

Smoking banned in the Ashram but Smokers neither banned nor condemned! – 26 Apr 15

I have made it a habit now to tell you about something current of my life on Sundays. Today, it will be a few thoughts that were sparked by a conversation that I had yesterday. An Ashram guest was very positively surprised when we told her we wouldn’t mind it if she smoked and neither if she drank coffee!

We are a very untraditional, unconventional and unreligious Ashram. We have no rules in place for your behavior and what you do at what time of the day. The only things we forbid is alcohol or drugs in the Ashram and smoking on the room or in the garden. If you are a smoker, no problem, just go outside the Ashram and smoke in front of the gate! Really, many visitors do – and it is no problem for us!

Many times people come here with a certain tension, having decided that they want to go to India and come to the Ashram but then worrying because they have their nicotine addiction! Where would they be able to smoke? You can imagine their relief when they hear our stand – and more than often, they are surprised.

The reason is that there are a lot of Ashrams that have very strict rules and a very narrow idea of what you should be doing. The base of this, of course, is their belief, usually their Hindu religion with the influence of their guru’s views or teachings! If their group or sect preaches that chocolate is harmful, nobody in their Ashrams is allowed to eat chocolate!

The same holds true for coffee and that’s how it always is another huge surprise for many people when we ask them whether they would prefer a coffee to the chai, Indian spiced tea, which they would usually get here.

Why would I judge you about such things? My recommendation would be not to smoke because it is bad for your health. I would not like to stand next to you while you smoke because I don’t want to be harmed and cannot stand the smell. At the same time however, I wouldn’t think you are a bad person because you smoke!

It is your decision and your responsibility what you like to do to your own body. As long as you don’t harm others and behave with love and respect towards the people around you, you are most welcome at the Ashram. Be yourself and enjoy life – I can promise you, I won’t judge you on such habits!

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