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When Devotion to a political Leader is valued more than old Friendships – 15 Feb 15

I would like to write about an issue which I have seen in my life for quite a while. Last week, I told you of a former friend who has a problem with my non-religiosity. A very different issue which I have had to face is that some people have cancelled our friendship even due to politics!

In the past year I have made this experience twice with quite old friends. One was a friend of my father of over 50 years who used to come to our Ashram whenever he came to Vrindavan. The other one was a friend of mine whom I had known for over 20 years. I sometimes talked on phone with him and his family and we visited each other’s houses. In both cases, these friends got upset about what I wrote about politics, and specifically about India’s current Prime Minister Modi, on social media.

Yes, I lost friends, long-time friends, because we have different political opinions.

I was shocked. I really didn’t expect that this could happen with someone whom I personally know, with whom there is a bond of love, a relation that has lasted for many years, even decades! Over politics! Because they are in favour of a party and especially this particular political leader and I am not at all.

I am not a political person. I have always thought politics to be too much drama, too much of a farce. Politicians change parties whenever it suits their own career, success and benefit. They promise one thing if it gets them elected and do another once they are on power. And they always appear very insensitive, not acting with their heart.

That doesn’t mean however that I am not interested in what is happening in my country! I take interested, am informed and also form my opinion. I am not in favour of any one party though – and that’s how I write my comments about each party’s and politician’s funny actions and words on social media, as my blog is read by many non-Indians who don’t know and also would not care about the details. Online, you can filter. Read what you want to read, ignore what you don’t like.

Why do you get upset about a statement of a friend, whose opinion you anyway probably already know? Because he criticizes your ideal, the politician you don’t only support but to whom you are devoted. A worship-like relationship has been established – and ironically it is exactly that which I most often criticize. That you should not worship a person, be it a religious leader or a political one! That you should not be a blind follower, excusing your guru’s faults and mistakes in any way you can. I know you don’t like to hear the word ‘devotee’ and would rather call yourself an ‘admirer’. By getting upset and breaking a friendship however, you prove that you are exactly that, a devotee.

I am in favour of opening your eyes and seeing the truth. Guruism has cost me friends – due to religion and now also due to politics! It is best to let such people go and not get too upset about it. Their devotion is stronger than the love of a friendship!

I still have many more thoughts on this topic and so I will continue writing about it tomorrow.

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