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I am a pervert because I am married, am called Swami and talk about Sex – 10 May 15

I recently got a comment on a blog post that had pretty much nothing to do with what I wrote but with who I am. Or with what that person thinks of me. And that was very clear. Here is this very sophisticated comment:

“you are a pervert , married person has no right call himself Swami , why you are using "siyaram" in website name? its misleading , most of your articles are about sex”

So while I don’t want to give unnecessary attention to such attempts to throw me off-balance, I had to laugh about this one and thought to share my thoughts with you.

Let’s start analyzing this comment: why am I a pervert in this person’s eyes? I am married and called a Swami, something which I don’t have a right to, in this person’s view.

So, if I was married and not called swami, would it be fine? I guess so, I would just be a regular husband writing a blog.

If I was called swami and was not married, would it be fine as well? Yes – then I would probably live just like many other Swamis do: have hundreds of girlfriends, sleep with female disciples wherever they go and even use force or blackmail on those who don’t want to come to their bed voluntarily. They do all this but nevertheless have hundreds and thousands of disciples who know all of this and just accept it as it is. So they can have rape charges against them and be holy gurus while I get called a pervert because I love one woman and decided to marry her? Great logic, I do have to say that!

I have written about me being a Swami and my website being called ‘jaisiyaram’ a long time ago in my blog. I have replied to this question many times. The short version is that the word ‘Swami’ just means owner. I have this name because of my personal past and I believe that I can keep it as I do really own myself. Nobody else is my owner – I am me and mine!

And then, on top of this all, I dare writing about sex!

I think that is this person’s biggest problem. Yes, I love sex and I love talking about it. I even feel a certain responsibility to talk about it with children and others in a society in which sex is a taboo. A society in which Swamis can have sex everywhere but are not allowed to talk openly about sex.

I do not however, as he thinks, write most of my posts about sex! And that is with what I would like to conclude this answer to the comment: I believe the real pervert is not me. The pervert is that person who sees and reads sex everywhere, thinking ‘most’ of my articles are about sex, while actually only 60 of altogether 2694 blog posts are in the category ‘sex’!

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