You are currently viewing The Reason why I am not afraid of future Plans: I trust – but not in God! – 14 Jun 15

The Reason why I am not afraid of future Plans: I trust – but not in God! – 14 Jun 15

In my life, my most important conversation partners are my wife and my brothers. With these three people I discuss all kinds of private and business matters. When I was recently talking with my wife, we talked about both, and our attitude towards future plans and decisions – and I explained why I am not nervous or afraid about what will happen in future.

We take a lot of decisions together, make plans and start new adventures both in our business and private lives. In all of this, Ramona sometimes asks me ‘Aren’t you afraid it won’t work?’ or tells me that she is nervous about the outcome of a certain project we have started. The truth is however that I am not. I may be attentive and with my mind set on work but I will not be afraid or nervous.

Why is that? We talked about this question.

I said ‘I trust that it will be fine.’ And Ramona asked ‘But whom do you trust?’ Of course not any celestial being! I don't believe in any God, so I won’t have the urge to give everything into his hands – I think people do this only for a psychological benefit, as there is not really any omnipotent being who will ‘fix everything’. Nor do I believe that there is a higher power like the universe which will make everything happen as it should be.

Do I trust in myself? Of course I do. Yes, I know what I am doing. When taking a decision, I try to take all important factors into consideration and also respect my feeling for the situation. I know however that I don't know everything. For those areas though which I don't have much knowledge about, I can ask experts who do! I will learn my whole life long, so it will be nice to find out more!

I have a positive attitude in general, see things in a positive light and always have hope that good things will come in future. I don't worry unnecessarily about things I cannot change or influence. I will do the best I can and what is not in my hand is something I will watch attentively but not really worry about!

Finally, there is always the question what the worse thing is that can happen. Most of the times, a realistic view on things shows that it is not really as bad as you are imagining when you are afraid. You won't die. And even if this is the worst thing that can happen – so what?

Anything else is something that we will deal with when it happens. Until then, I and we will do our best possible for everything good. Fear and worry would only disturb!

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