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Gurus Spending Money on Building Temples – 21 Feb 09

I received some reactions on yesterday’s diary which confirmed the work that I do and the way that I go. I thank you all for your positive support and your understanding.

Today my friends Roger and Mady went to go shopping with Purnendu and on the way back they saw a place on which big construction work going on. They went there and saw that it is a temple which is under construction. When they came back they were so excited and shocked about what they have seen there and how much money is invested there. They said hundreds of people are working there on building the temple and they were informed that the whole project costs 140 Million Dollar. Arriving here they said that they need to relax now. They were not sure if they should be sad or angry and they could not imagine from where this money is coming from which this temple is built.

We however know that this is a temple built by 'Jagadguru Kripalu', shortly called Kripalu, and his organization. The money comes from followers and disciples, it is for a big part donations.

In India so many people are hungry and so many children cannot go to school. This kind of big money could be useful for serving humanity. What is the use of building such a big building of stone? I told them that in this small town of Vrindavan and of course all over India there are so many places about which you will say the same if you see them. And all of these places belong to a certain religion, tradition or sect and a guru or master is behind that. Roger was very disappointed about it that there is a guru behind this scene. Then he said ‘This is why you wrote in yesterday’s diary that all gurus are rich and have much money’. I said him that you can see with all these popular gurus and masters how much money they have.

I said: ‘My temple is this small school and the little children are my God.’ It brings so much joy to feed them and I am very happy that others can share this joy.

Altogether we now have 37 days of 365 which are reserved for food for a day. I am giving you these numbers and the report to let you know about the wonderful support that I get from all over the world and also to tell you what is our aim: to find sponsors for the whole year.

Click here to see pictures of today’s Bhandara

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tanya Lyn

    Can not thank you enough Swami Ji. I suspect though, that the fulfillment you get from the way you live your life is often thanks enough.

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