Please read if the Aim of your Life is all about Money – 4 Oct 16
Swami Balendu writes about people who have so much money they cannot ever spend it in their lifetime. Read what he suggests them to do.
Money – Everybody likes it and nobody has enough.
It is not quite like this! Balendu writes in this category of his blog about the attitude that you should have towards money in order to bring it into the flow.
Money is only energy and it has to be flowing. Don’t be afraid that you might lose it, don’t be greedy but let it flow.
Balendu also writes about rich and poor and how that does not depend on how much money you have.
Swami Balendu writes about people who have so much money they cannot ever spend it in their lifetime. Read what he suggests them to do.
Swami Balendu tells about shopping in Germany with shops full of marketed Disney film characters. Read why he is thus happy to be living in India.
Swami Balendu talks about the common idea that the most spiritual you are the less material you need. Read why he is against this way of thinking.
Swami Balendu talks about businesses in which people are sometimes expected to work for very little or no money. Read why you should not do that if you are in such a profession.
Swami Balendu tells of a woman who was confused: she helped people for a living but was told she should make more money from it!
Swami Balendu tells how in India it is difficult to get the best quality of products like rice, tea, coffee or mangoes, which are all grown in India. Read what this has to do with globalization!
Swami Balendu tells how difficult it was for them to find red and tasty tomatoes on Gran Canary – in spite of all the sun shining on that island!
Swami Balendu describes the concept of his family to share money and not stick with 'mine' and 'yours'. Read why this concept is so nice for him.
Swami Balendu describes people who live in financial abundance but value everything with money and thus sometimes even become stingy. Read more about this situation.
Swami Balendu writes this entry in his diary about the question whether money can make you happy. Read his conclusion and his arguments why this is not possible.