Self-Reflection is good – but too much of it isn’t! – 24 Sep 16
Swami Balendu writes about self-reflection and describes how too much of it – or actually self-criticism – can move you towards depression. Read his advice on how to do it right.
Your mind has great power, it is the creator of your world. Balendu writes about the power of positive thinking and also negative thinking.
He explains how you can calm down your mind so that you can feel more and think less.
Come from the head to the heart!
Swami Balendu writes about self-reflection and describes how too much of it – or actually self-criticism – can move you towards depression. Read his advice on how to do it right.
Swami Balendu tells how important it is to give at least one certain person in your life access to your mind: your partner. Read his own experience.
Swami Balendu describes how dangerous it is when you grant access to your thoughts to a person who doesn't deal with it responsibly.
Swami Balendu writes about how dangerous it can be for body and mind to create your own world by belief and imagination without respecting the laws of the 'real' world.
Swami Balendu speaks about the possibility to create your own reality with your thoughts, imagination and belief. Read his point of view on this topic.
Swami Balendu explains why even religious belief, traditional behavior and cultural values need to be cleared out sometimes!
Swami Balendu describes how people accumulate garbage on their mind as well. Read why and how to get rid of this garbage!
Swami Balendu describes with the example of his wife's dreams, why it is not a good idea to search for messages for the future in your present dreams.
Swami Balendu discusses a few different theories that people have about dreams, where they come from and what their meaning is.
Swami Balendu writes about a popular idea of modern spirituality that positive thoughts can change your complete life. Read up to which point he agrees and when he does not agree anymore.