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Care for Love and Relations – You cannot replace Anybody – 25 May 11

In this picture, left to right: Balendu, Purnendu, Para and Yashendu

In our lives we meet many people, some are closer to us and some are not so close. Sometimes we don’t notice that we have many people around us who love us and whom we love. We are busy in our every day’s rhythm without noticing how important it is to have these people.

Give value to your relations and the people around you. See and feel their love and love them back. Store their love in your heart. Care for friendship, care for your relations, care for love.

It can happen that you sometimes need to let someone go, who does not want to be around you anymore and with whom you cannot share your way anymore. It can happen that these relations get stronger again after some time. Try not to poison a relation. If it doesn’t work, quit quietly. If you can, don’t create bitterness in between you. Anger, ego and other emotions sometimes create aggression but think how far you want to let these emotions take you. Who knows, maybe time changes and a bitter relation changes again for the better. Bitter and better is only one letter apart from each other. Maybe you don’t want that person in your life anymore. That is also okay but even then, don’t create so much bitterness that it becomes irreversible.

I have lost people in this way and I always try not to make it bitter. If it doesn’t work together anymore, I try to be in peace and retreat a bit so that our ways can separate easily. In this way I believe there is always a chance that we can find together again.

Sometimes it happens that you really lose people and it is not reversible in any way. Once someone leaves this world and his body behind, there is no coming back. And there is no replacement for anyone who left. If your husband dies, you can have a new husband. If you lose friends, you can make new ones. But you cannot replace the one who was there before. Who is lost is lost.

Today is the fifth year that I think of my sister Para on her birthday and she is not there anymore. Nobody can ever replace her. There were people before and after her death with whom I had the feeling of having a sister but after some times those people left my life, too. So there is no real replacement for a person whom you lost. But I have my memories of our love.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Gunther

    Life is changing and many people come and go. Some we lose forever. But even if we cannot see, hear or touch them, they are always with us, supporting us on our way. I feel all those souls standing with me, encouraging me to go on.

  2. nothingprofound

    Nothing is more important than this. Life has so many ways of separating us from the people we love. So it’s our great joy and happiness to love and appreciate them while they’re still around.

  3. Mirela

    Our friends or relatives who are gone can never be replaced. But do we really need to replace them? Isn’t it enough to have memories full of love and happy moments? Isn’t this a form a maintaining the persons presence in our life? We just have to honour the cycle of nature.

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