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What is Love in my Opinion? – 19 Jun 14

In my first lecture on Gran Canaria, I was not only asked what I thought sex was but also the following question:

What is love?

It got quiet in the room and I answered with a few, short sentences:

Love is, when you care for somebody.

When you are happy in making someone else happy.

When you enjoy giving – because taking you enjoy anyway.

When you have such a feeling in your heart that you could just overflow with happiness – that is love!

This was enough answer to the questioner but then there was another person, who wanted to know it a bit more precisely and asked: how can you test whether it is true love in your relationship?

I actually replied that you shouldn’t even try. Love is nothing that you can test. Love is nothing that you can find by a thorough examination. You should not even think in this way! No, instead of worrying whether it is true love, simply enjoy!

I actually believe that love is always true. Just don’t keep the intention of investigating this feeling in every moment, then it will grow and grow. Be honest with your feelings and with your wishes and expectations!

In this honesty, just experience and live!

Enjoy – and love!

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