You are currently viewing Attachment to Diseases – Emotional Surgery needed to heal – 23 Jun 11

Attachment to Diseases – Emotional Surgery needed to heal – 23 Jun 11

One can notice often that people who suffer from a disease for a longer time have a negative attitude towards their own health situation. Have you ever met a person who didn’t seem to have the wish to get healthy? They are negative about their healing process, say that it will never happen and that they will have to live with their problem.

I have met many people in this situation and always have the feeling, that they started to love their disease. When there is an illness, cancer for example, which remains in the body for a long time, people unconsciously establish a relationship with it. It is after all a part of their body. This relationship makes them feel that they don’t want to be without it – even if they don’t know it consciously or say it.

They don’t actually think it is good that they are ill. They know that their disease is bad for them and that they would live a better life without it. They don’t like this illness but they nevertheless don’t want to leave it.

In this case people have become attached to their problem. It has become an important part of their lives. They don’t like their disease but they like thinking about it and somehow enjoy feeling bad about it. If they really got rid of this disease, what should they think about? They get afraid of this life after their disease.

In many cases people even feel subconsciously special about their disease. After all, this is something that not everybody has and it always is a topic that ensures you the attention of others. People who need attention and who have low self-esteem can act like this. It is their way of getting attention without showing anything off.

These all are feelings that are not very open, that they could be aware of but would normally not pronounce to anybody. Everybody would declare them as crazy, wouldn’t they?

The problem is that getting rid of your disease emotionally is also a kind of surgery. When the doctors decide to cut the affected tissue out of your body, you also need to cut out your disease emotionally. You need strong willpower to do this surgery and to make this decision. Your wounds will take some time to heal completely but they will. Don’t be afraid but let go. Once you have done this surgery, you will notice that life is lighter and easier.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Baerbel Heimansberg Vonde

    very true and also difficult for affected people – conventional medicine has a rather unhealthy approach to this, considering all the check-ups and follow-ups, this creates constant reminders for patients. It takes some strength and courage for a patient to say: stop!

  2. Emily

    This is a profound point you have made. Changing your attitude and mindset is at least half the work of healing. And for whatever reason, people identify with their illness and it becomes something they need. I bet spiritual counseling would be really beneficial for someone recovering from a traumatic illness. It would help them to heal their hearts and self-identities so that they can be proud, confident, and strong in their new healthy body.

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