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Surgery 2004 vs. Surgery 2014 – A Comparison – 30 Apr 14

After having had the same surgery on my same knee twice now, with a time period of ten years in between, I would like to make a small comparison of the two operations and my situation both times:

1. Full Anesthesia vs. Epidural Anesthesia

In 2004, the doctors told me that they would give me an anesthesia and I would sleep during the surgery. I did and while I appreciated not feeling the surgery, waking up was horribly painful.

In 2014, I actually expected to have the same anesthesia again. I even told Ramona that I would prefer that to being conscious. I thought it would be uncomfortable and not a nice experience to be awake while doctors cut my knee open! In the end I had an epidural anesthesia – and I actually enjoyed it! The anesthetist had told me that it had less side effects and that this surgery was nowadays always done in this way. The procedure itself was painless and although there was pain when the feeling returned to my legs, I think I liked remaining conscious!

2. Metal Screw vs. Dissolvable Screw

Last time they placed a metal screw into my knee, holding the ligament replacement. I could always feel it as a little bit uncomfortable foreign item in my body.

Now I have one of these non-metallic, bio-degradable screws in there and until now I don’t feel a thing. Nice to know this thing is going to melt into being a part of me rather than hurting me when I press a certain point!

3. The Pain!

A huge difference! I was under much more pain for much longer time in 2004 than I am now. I don’t know what it is, the better work of the surgeon, the more modern possibilities and methods they have now or the better painkillers – I just know it hurts less!

4. Less Medication

When talking about painkillers, I noticed that I seem to need a whole lot less pills this time than I needed last time. I anyway try to avoid medication in my daily life, so I appreciate this change!

5. How long was I in the hospital for?

I don’t remember exactly how long I was in the hospital in 2004, but I think it was four or five days. This time, I went in on Friday morning and was told that I could go home only 24 hours after surgery! Amazing! Obviously, everyone prefers recovering at home to lying around in the hospital!

6. When could I move my leg again? What about walking?

In 2004, I was bed-ridden for several weeks, having minimal movement of the leg. Physiotherapy started weeks after the surgery. It was a difficult time for me, as I was normally an active traveler and used to do yoga exercise every day. Boring, tiring for the body and exhausting for the mind!

In 2014, I had my first physiotherapy session not even 24 hours after the surgery. I had to move my foot, try to lift my leg, activate my muscles and even stand up and walk! Of course, all of that with the support of a physiotherapist but it is getting better and easier every day!

The best part about being able to walk: I could go to toilet on my own right from the first day! Oh yes, one of the worst thoughts of having to do this surgery again was this. With this I would like to conclude my comparison: modern times bring better methods, less pain, quicker recovery and the possibility of relieving yourself with dignity!

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