You are currently viewing – share the Memories of your Friendships – 28 Oct 13 – share the Memories of your Friendships – 28 Oct 13

I have made the experience of being popular. I have seen the glitter and glamour that comes with it. There were masses in front of me, all eager to get close. It is exciting, it is full of life, it is great – but I have learned one thing: you cannot be close with the masses. While celebrities get cheered at and wave to big crowds during the day, they need someone in the evening, a shoulder to lean their tired heads on. Someone to laugh and cry with, to share real emotions. A friend.

Those who have needed the help of a friend when they were down, know how valuable it is to have this person in life! You need to look after your relation with these friends – and that’s exactly for what we have created a new website:!

It is a new kind of social media page, one for individual connections instead for a huge amount of people whom you have maybe met once or not even that. On facebook a lot of people look for new connections, for new friends and maybe even for business. A lot of users are overwhelmed with the many new friend requests by people whom they don’t even know. On Friendshiplog, you connect with your real friends, with those whom you know, whom you love and with whom you have already shared memories!

You can write down these memories to keep a record, a log of your friendship – and in several languages! In the footer of the page you can select English, Hindi, German, Spanish or French. Remind your friend of the good times you had together or thank him or her for the support you got. Your friend will be happy to hear of you and will love to read of those cherished memories. Give your friend a virtual hug by writing your experience in a story.

You don’t need a lot of time for one story – there is no need to put your complete friendship into words from the day you got to know each other until today! Simply take one incident, one funny day, one interesting talk, one sad moment when you got your friend’s help and share it with him or her. Can you imagine the joy when your friend gets to read it and remembers that moment as well?

Others who read your stories get inspiration for their own friendships, can laugh about a joke or feel with you if your friendship is a moving story. In today’s world, where we have a huge amount of negative news on TV, in newspapers and on the internet, this page will be an oasis of positive stories where people can go and read about their own and other people’s friendships whenever they feel sad, down or depressed by all the bad happening in this world. Restore your faith in humanity by reading about the great bonds that people share.

So come and join us with stories of your friendships!

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