The question of Freedom and Tolerance when it comes to Sex – 1 Mar 13
Swami Balendu explains why you should have tolerance if you would like to have your own freedom to express yourself and to be who you are.
‘I need my space’ and ‘My freedom is important to me’ are sentences that you may hear or even say in modern relationship problems. In his blog Balendu writes about this freedom and how these sentences are not the full truth.
Read different approaches on how you can obtain freedom, both in your relationship and other parts of your life. You are free to be who you are!
Swami Balendu explains why you should have tolerance if you would like to have your own freedom to express yourself and to be who you are.
Swami Ji writes about how people in the west understand the word freedom and why this can lead to loneliness and less contact to others.
Swami Ji writes how some people think that women need to be controlled and should not be given freedom. Read his opinion here.
Swami ji writes about the life of the president of the United States of America. He enjoys the freedom that his own life gives him.
Swami Ji writes how we have different roles in our lives. Our habits and rules help creating these different faces.
Swami ji writes about rules that we have in life. We need to break one rule daily in order to live free and with open heart.
Swami Ji writes about sharing your emotions and how in modern families the closeness vanishes and a distance is created.