Blind Followers
Of all types of followers, I believe this is the most common one and the one that fits best into the picture of followers behaving like sheep. Why? Because they simply follow, it doesn’t matter where their guru is going.
Blind followers don’t have any interest in a certain philosophy or any certain way. It doesn’t matter who the master is and what he does, they just want to follow him. Once they decided to follow him, there is little that one can do about it. They are determined to follow and this is what they do. A guru can be happy if he has many blind followers because he does not have to do much for them. They don’t ask much about him, they don’t go deep into the philosophy he teaches and they do whatever he asks them to do.
They don’t try to find out any details about their guru. This is good for a lot of gurus who hide secret activities that are not actually morally right. Blind followers don’t try to see whether their guru does something wrong. And worse, if they see him doing anything wrong, they close their eyes and look away. They become blind, pretending not to see anything. By this they become the ideal followers for any guru. Gurus love and wish to have blind followers. They see for example that he sleeps with a different woman every night but as blind followers, they tell everyone who asks that their master is celibate, just as he publicly states. They understand that something is wrong but they don’t want to consciously realize it. They stay in their illusion.
Even if you talk to them and tell them what their guru does wrong, that he lies or is fake, they simply deny everything, turn away and don’t want to talk about such topics. I have met many followers of the late guru Sathya Sai Baba. They have seen videos in which it is clearly visible that he used simple tricks and does not actually materialize gold or ashes. They have seen full proof that he cheated people but still they stay with him, tell others he could do miracles and believe in those miracles themselves.
In this way blind followers simply try to get rid of their responsibility. They look for someone to tell them what to do and don’t ask any questions. It doesn’t matter what it is that they are told, they do it and feel good about it. They are actually afraid of life. They are afraid of what could happen if they decide for themselves. They don’t have self-confidence and so they search someone else to put their confidence in. The condition is that the other person has to tell them what to do. They will follow.
Their whole life is then about following their guru. They eat and sleep having their guru and their role in the mind. If they get physically close to the master, it makes them happy. If he wants to be very close to them and calls them to his bedroom, they get even happier and do as they are told. They get happy even if other people would experience the same action as sexual abuse.
The conclusion is that it doesn’t matter what the guru does and how much anybody tells them about their guru, blind followers will remain followers. I don’t believe they read my blog but even if, they would become blind and just believe what I am writing is not about them or their gurus. They are truly blind followers.
Tomorrow I will write about another type of followers: intellectual followers.
As a Kriya Yogi, I see the function of a yoga teacher to teach the Kriya Yoga system well, and to be a good example of it. That’s all. Problems arise when they set themselves up as magic middle men between the student and Spirit. But if they teach the truth, that all they can teach you is the system, and that you as a student have to do the daily work, there’s no problem with the teaching. Yoga is largely a process of re-molding the samskaras or one’s habitual tendencies. No one else can do that for you. It requires daily work and commitment. Just as with many other subjects like math for instance, the teacher can tell you how to do the math, but the student won’t learn without him or her self doing the math and performing the equations regularly over and over until they are mastered. Yoga is like that. The teacher can give the instructions, but the student has to do the work.
Thank you again Deniz for your insight. Last Saturday we had a Chakra Workshop and I said them exactly the same thing. I can only tell you how it is and what I experienced but if you want to have an experience, you have to practice it. Then you can get the benefit of it. There is no miracle or drug or switch so you can achieve something instantly or overnight. Lots of Love to you.