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Doomsday is cancelled – new Business for modern Gurus – 21 Dec 12

Are you ready for the end of this world? Today is finally the 21st December 2012, 21.12.2012. Some people started telling others that today was the day of the apocalypse because the calendar of the Mayans allegedly ends on this day. Others have protested that it is not the end of the Mayan calendar but just a change of a certain period of time. Whatever made the Mayans stop their calculation on this day, it made a lot of people go crazy about this date. Some extreme people have prepared for catastrophes to happen today and the extinction of the human race or the destruction of the planet. Another popular point of view is that it is a day of ‘shifting consciousness’. Let me tell you in some lines here, what I think of these both ideas.

It is easy to dismiss the idea that the world could actually physically end today. There have been no tsunamis predicted, until now I have not heard of any devastating earthquakes, no epidemics have spread until now and scientists have not discovered any comets that could crash into the planet to finish it once and for all. No, it does not really seem as though we are all going to die today.

Maybe it was just too crazy for most people to really think all life on this planet is going to end but what to do with that Mayan calendar then? People in the spiritual scene highly value old cultures and their customs and traditions – which is in general a good thing – but they also attribute nearly magical powers to them. You cannot just ignore their calendar now after telling everyone about the accuracy of their prophecies for such a long time! So what to do?

Let’s just call it a change then! Or maybe that does not sound good enough yet… ascension! Yes, that’s it, let’s tell people it will be an ascension to another dimension, a shift of global consciousness. It is like Doomsday, just better! We don’t need to store as much rice or water as possible, we just need to do what we are doing anyway and spread this message. That is nice, then we can blame the end of this dimension for whatever is going wrong in our lives.

You know, you can call me cynical if you like but I think I am just being realistic if I say that this whole story of dimensions and transformations is just a piece of imagination created by people who want to make money with it. They create fear by saying you need to do this process or it will be hard for you, you could fall in depression because you did not learn how to accept change and change will happen and it will happen fast because of the ascension! While saying this however – which is actually just normal, life always means change – they also say you should not be afraid. They can tell you how not to be afraid. Just take their services, pay for them and calm your own mind and their financial worries.

I believe it is wrong to make people believe such things for which you just randomly select pieces of old cultures as proof and tell ‘channeled’ messages of angels, beings in the spirit world and other imaginary friends or masters who are supposed to guide you. I believe that after today, all those fake gurus, healers, life coaches, esoteric clairvoyants, channels and modern prophets will start a new business: how to heal all of those imaginary problems that resulted from that difficult shift of dimensions today. They need something to do and have to earn money, so they will find some other way of creating fear.

If we are not going to survive this day or if I am going to be sitting here, left alone in the fourth dimension because of my negative thoughts on this topic, you have proven me wrong. But I guess you won’t celebrate that victory – your higher consciousness won’t allow that. Please don’t try to save me though, I am a hopeless case!

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