In Sanskrit there is a Sutra which says ‘Vidya dadaati vinayam’. Vidya means knowledge or wisdom, dadaati means giving and vinayam means humbleness. I think it is clear what the Sutra means: True knowledge or wisdom makes a person humble. And actually arrogant people do not really have anything except for ego. People think that ego comes when someone has much knowledge. But the truth is that if someone has real knowledge, he will not be egoistic. This person will be soft and humble.
There is an example with a tree. The tree which is full of fruits and has so much to give to others will bow his branches and leafs towards the ground. Only that tree which has no fruit at all is standing straight. I don’t know how really to translate this best into English, maybe I do not have the right words but the meaning of standing straight is like an arrogant attitude. And that is how I see many people who have nothing which is why they keep ego and become arrogant. Our life should be like that of a tree carrying many fruits. Humble, soft and happy to give to others.
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I Love the image of the the tree bowing branches. it is powerful and will stay with me for a long time
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I really love the imagery of that tree analogy. We should be soft and giving, not stiff and selfish.I also think that with true wisdom we gain compassion. Rather than trying to show off how much we know and make others feel inferior (which is stroking the ego), true wisdom brings you empathy for others. You know what it is like to lack certain wisdom, and it is painful. So you empathize with others and just share love, knowing that they will gain wisdom in their own time and experiences.