Fighting your Ego – a continuous Struggle with yourself? – 2 Oct 13
Swami Balendu writes about problems that people have with too much ego – they again and again lose the struggle against it and thus make prestige issues out of simple matters.
Ego – is it our friend that boosts our self-esteem or is it our enemy that keeps us from being modest?
Balendu talks in various ways about the ego and when you read his blog you will discover that our ego has many different ways to show itself – some negative but some also positive.
You will find out which chakra to work on if you have ego problems and also what people can be like, when their ego is very strong.
Swami Balendu writes about problems that people have with too much ego – they again and again lose the struggle against it and thus make prestige issues out of simple matters.
Swami Balendu writes about panic reactions by the ego which can get you in very difficult situations. How can you handle them – or even better: avoid them?
Swami Balendu tells why everyone needs to have ego and talks about both negative and positive aspects of ego.
Swami Balendu describes the conflicts in a perfectionist who has much ego and the dangerous consequences that this conflict leads to.
Swami Balendu writes about the right ways to give and take criticism. Read what you should and what you should not be doing if you criticize someone or are criticized by someone.
Swami Balendu writes about people who display an extreme humbleness and thus seem to be not really humble but just playing their humbleness.
Swami Ji writes about advice by gurus to reduce your ego and explains what the Vedanta Philosophy has to do with ego problems.
Swami Ji writes about the choice that some people are not aware of: you can choose if you want to be in love or in ego!
Swami ji writes about ego which can be a problem in relationships. When people separate their possession from their partners?, they make limits that finish the freedom of the relationship.
Swami ji writes about the ego of owning and how you need to teach children sharing instead of having the ego to say ?This is mine?.