You are currently viewing Fear of Dying during Driving, Sports or other Activity – 18 Jun 09

Fear of Dying during Driving, Sports or other Activity – 18 Jun 09

A few days ago I told you that a woman was here for a healing session who had a lot of fear inside herself but did not know why. I told her the healing would help her to find out why she is afraid of so many activities that she was doing before. And today she came again because she found out why she was afraid.

She told that her husband died four years ago. He had a heart attack while he was driving on motorbike. It was very sudden and a big shock for her. And now somewhere inside her she is afraid that this can happen to her, too, while she is on motorbike or while swimming or doing something similar. She is afraid of dying. I have written before about death, too, and I said the same thing to her: nobody knows when he will die. We all have to die, there is no way to avoid it. And as nobody knows when, where or in which way, we should not be afraid of dying.

See dying as an event. And it will come, but until then, please enjoy! We have to accept death. It is the biggest truth of life. Only this is the way how you can overcome this fear of death. It is a short life, we all should enjoy and really live and love life!

Today's food was sponsored by Zimt & Koriander restaurant from Wiesbaden. Click here to see more pictures

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ryan

    It seems to be very difficult to accept death. I try and I don’t know how.

  2. Joanna

    Maybe trying is a misguiding term. If you look around the room in a fit of fear, you will notice that perhaps nothing is wrong. Ask yourself, is there anything wrong? Perhaps with death their will be some pain. That is okay. There is nothing wrong with pain. Allow yourself to exist in this state of understanding by ceasing to try and simply paying attention.

  3. Emily

    I have heard some people who do extreme sports say that it is worth the risk to them. If they died doing what they loved, then it was a life well lived. People should embrace every moment in life and do what they love. At least if you die doing it, you won’t regret having never tried something fun or exciting that you always wanted to.

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