Yesterday I wrote about eating as a habit, which many overweight people have. Obviously this is one of the most common reasons for being overweight and stopping this constant intake of food is the first step to lose weight but another very important factor is regular exercise.
I always recommend people to find something that you enjoy. In my eyes it is not good to force yourself to go to a gym, there to step on one of those running machines, run for half an hour and hate each and every second of it, wishing you would be at home, sitting in front of the TV with your favourite show. In this way you may have short-term success but if you once lose your discipline and don’t go there, you will notice how quickly you have forgotten every plan of doing workout. No, you need to find something that you love doing. It may cost you some effort to start but then you will go on, because you love it! That can be a team sport, jogging in the park, swimming or also the treadmill in the gym! The important part is that you like it and you will notice that quickening your heartbeat several times a week during workout makes you even happier than the extra sweets in the evening!
I actually always recommend doing yoga. By doing yoga I don’t only mean the physical exercise, the Hatha Yoga. When I say yoga can help you losing weight or maintaining a certain weight with which you are happy, I include Pranayama, the breathing exercises, as well as meditation, which is training for your mind, too.
Yoga is good for your complete body. You can do it in order to get your heartbeat going but then there are exercises and postures for each single part of your body, too. You can tone your legs, your belly, your thighs, hips and arms. You do something beneficial for your joints, you stretch your back out of the position that you keep it in for hours and you simply move your body as in hardly any other way of exercise.
The breathing techniques are obviously good for your lungs and respiratory system and they help you to take in much more oxygen than you usually do. Pranayama is also helpful to reach the state of meditation. Meditation can go long ways in giving you mental discipline. This discipline helps you to stop the habit of eating and realize what you can do to feel good in your body.
Whenever we have the Ayurveda Yoga Holiday at the Ashram, losing weight is a topic that comes up or is important for one or several of the participants. With the right diet, the yoga practice and the Ayurvedic massages and treatments, we help them here in the Ashram to lose weight and, more importantly, understand the right way to do it themselves.
Never give up and never lose hope. You can always make a change. If you feel you are overweight and you are unhappy with it, do something against it! Don’t accept the state as it is and ‘learn to live with it’. You are the one who has control over your mind and who can shape your body. Take your responsibility and start. Remember to love your body and to be happy. If you take care of your food, if you exercise and feel movement in your body, you can love it as it is!
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Proper diet combined with regular exercise is certainly the key to a sensible weight loss program. Yoga, in addition, provides so many other benefits both to the body and the mind. Not the least of which is learning how to relax.
Great picture!
So true, regular yoga exercise will change one’s entire life from bottom to the top!
Excellent post! Thank you for sharing. 🙂